Lake Martignano
A pearl among the Sabatini Mountains, Lake Martignano is located in the countryside of northern Rome
and resides in an extinct volcanic crater 207 meters above sea level.
At the end of the intense volcanic activity the crater of Martignano, like those of Baccano, Bracciano, Stracciacappa and Monterosi, turned into a lake, forming with the others a vast wetland area.
Encompassed within the territories of Rome, Campagnano and Anguillara, Lake Martignano with its perimeter of 6 km and its depth of 60 meters was a place much loved by the Etruscans and the ancient Romans. Emperor Augustus built the Region’s first 33-km-long aqueduct there to supply water for the naval battles of Trastevere in Rome.
A secret gem that has miraculously escaped the destructive powers of development, Lake Martignano, due to its isolation from important communication routes and the sparse human presence in its territory, constitutes a true miracle of ecological integrity and is ranked among the top cleanest lakes in Italy.
The wooded slopes, riparian vegetation, and abundance of ichthyofauna make Lake Martignano an authentic oasis, a natural monument to be protected with extreme seriousness, sustainability and collaboration among the Park’s farmers who work every day to keep it intact.
In 1999, the Parco Naturale Regionale di Bracciano-Martignano, the youngest of Lazio’s parks, was established.